Friday, February 1, 2013

Christi and Chloe

About Christi and Chloe

Christi believes that it is extremely important for young children to be physically active. In fact, she owns a children's fitness franchise, where they teach preschoolers health and fitness. Christi has two daughters: Chloe, who is enrolled in the Abby Lee Dance Company; and Clara, who is only one, and while she doesn't dance yet, she does love to watch, and sneaks into the studio when she thinks no one is looking. Christi has never danced professionally, but did take a few classes as a child, and she thinks every little girl belongs in dance class.

About Christi

What's your favorite style of dance to watch?
All! I love anything that tells a good story or is entertaining. And I appreciate watching a good technical dancer, no matter what the style.
What's your occupation?
I own a children's fitness franchise. We teach preschoolers health and fitness.
What are your hobbies and interests besides dance?
My dirty little secret is that I like to sew.
What do you think your child is learning most about while competing in dance competitions around the country?
What have you learned most about while being involved with this dance company and traveling to the competitions?
The real competition happens backstage.

About Chloe

What's your favorite style of dance to perform?
I love to perform musical theater, because you get to use many different faces and personality. I also like to perform lyrical, because it is soft and gentle and sometimes dramatic, and it tells a good story.
What's your favorite style of dance to watch?
Jazz, lyrical and musical theater.
What other hobbies and/or sports do you participate in?
I don't have time for anything else! Although in the summer, I like to swim (and if our hotel has a pool, that's a bonus)! I also love to read and write stories.
Do you hope to be a professional dancer one day?
Of course! I want to be the center Rockette! I would also like to be in a dance movie like "Center Stage."
If you don’t end up being a professional dancer, what other job would you like to have?
What do you think you are learning about most from this experience dancing in these competitions around the country?
Hard work pays off! And I have to be super organized to dance while I keep up with my schoolwork.
What's your favorite subject in school?
Reading, writing and dismissal!
What's your favorite color?
Pink and red.

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