Holly is the mother of three, and her only daughter, Nia, is enrolled in the Abby Lee Dance Company. Holly has never danced professionally. However, she danced as a child with Vicki Sheer in the Bronx, and in college she was in Kusika, the African dance company at Williams College. Inspired by her dance experiences growing up, Holly thinks dance can bring Nia the same joy and confidence..
About Holly
What's your favorite style of dance to watch?
What's your occupation?
For close to 20 years I have worked as an educator in an independent school setting. I am currently a principal at a middle school.
What are your hobbies and interests besides dance?
Reading, traveling and spending time with family.
What do you think your child is learning most about while competing in dance competitions around the country?
Expect the unexpected. You never know what will happen.
What have you learned most about while being involved with this dance company and traveling to the competitions?
Surprisingly, like many aspects of life, dance is political. Dance can be beautiful and dance can be ugly— sometimes at the same time.
About Nia
What's your favorite style of dance to perform?
What's your favorite style of dance to watch?
What's your favorite thing about dance?
Dance is great exercise, it is energetic and you can never stop doing it.
What other hobbies and/or sports do you participate in?
Karate, swim team, playing instruments (drums and piano), chess, arts and crafts, playing with my friends and my pets.
Do you hope to be a professional dancer one day?
Yes, I want to be a Rockette so I can do those high kicks.
If you don’t end up being a professional dancer, what other job would you like to have?
I would love to be an artist.
What do you think you are learning about most from this experience dancing in these competitions around the country?
I am learning that every competition is different. You never know if the judges will like the dance or not. You never know what is going to happen.
What's your favorite subject in school?
What's your favorite color?
Pink, pink, pink—any shade of pink, at any time.